Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Caminata Nocturna


"La comunidad “El Alberto” realiza esta caminata nocturna en homenaje a los migrantes, con el propósito de hacernos conscientes de su travesía para lograr el “sueño americano” y al mismo tiempo compartir las tradiciones que los han mantenido unidos como comunidad."

In this wildlife preserve, Parque EcoAlberto, located in the state of Hidalgo about an hour and a half from Mexico City, you can discover what it is to cross the border from Mexico to the U.S. in the middle of the night.

The simulation is meant to approximate reality as close as possible: you set off with a group of about twenty at dusk through wild terrain, spotted with hills, ahuehuetes, and rivers. The landscape is tranquil, mysterious, and captivating. The mood, however, is not peaceful. As a member of the group, you are aware of your objective-- to reach the other side-- and of the dangers lurking not far away-- the border patrol, in the form of trucks with spotlights, bullhorns, loaded rifles (here, only with blanks).

According to the park's website, this "nocturnal walk" has been created as a homage to immigrants, with the point of teaching what they experience as they take to the night, with the goal of reaching their dreams. This is a worthwhile experience.

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